Thursday 21 June 2012



Rapper Chipmunk (who has now changed his stage name to 'Chip') made this song whilst signed to Sony Music. It was the first song he released when signing a contract with the major music label. The video is a narrative/performance music video. The narrative shows Chip returning home from being on tour to a letter from his girlfriend breaking up with him. He then continues his life and sees things in which remind him of his ex-girlfriend and has flashbacks.

I have sorted out locations for this and below are photographs of the locations I will use:

 I have looked carefully at props and costume. I am trying my hardest to make everything match. I have spoken with the actors and we've discussed which costume they have which is most similar to those of which the actors in the music video wear. The only thing in which I will find difficult is the fire ring in the screen capture above. In the music video, it is an actual ring of fire in which rapper Chip is standing in. This scene was done in a professional studio. I am going to film this scene exactly as it is, however just with no ring of fire. I will then attempt to edit a ring of fire in. I have no experience with Adobe After Effects but I will attempt to learn to use it for this one scene.

In this, I am starting up the TV to play the music video for my actors so they have a grasp of how they need to act and what they need to do.

In this I am just about to begin filming. I am making sure my actor knows what she is doing and is comfortable in the framing.

Here I have begun filming. You can see my actor holding a prop of an envelope which is a key prop in the music video as it builds the narrative.

Rapper Chip has Believe & Achieve tattoos. One on each hand. These tattoos are significant in certain shots throughout the video, so before filming, I drew the tattoos onto my male actor.

This is one of my actors practicing her acting and me starting up the music so she knows what to sing along to.

This is my actor acting.

Me filming.

Here is me checking the camera angle is correct.

This is me directing my actor where to stand and how to act.

This is me filming my actor.

This is my actor acting.

Above are some photographs that were taken during the first day of filming (Monday 6th August 2012). The female actor had to leave early so not much got done. But I have edited the footage in which we managed to do. I have completed the first verse of editing. Unfortunately it was raining therefore no outdoor footage could be done. We have all planned to meet again this Sunday and film more. Hopefully, on Sunday I manage to film every shot I need and can focus on the editing only.

Sunday 12th August I managed to film some more. Unfortunately one of my actors was going on holiday after this date and therefore I couldn't film anything else. However, I am happy with the pace I managed to work at with my actors and really enjoyed recreating the music video. Below are some photographs from the day second day of filming.

This is me displaying the original video to my actors so that they are aware of how to perform.

This is me directing my actors in to position.

This is again directing my actors in to position so that they are ready and comfortable for their performance.

This is my actors watching me as I show them how to perform.

These are my actors warming up and getting ready to film.

This is a close up of one of my actors in which you can see the drawn on tattoo.

Here is the final piece. I only managed to get through to the second verse however there are some random shots from the second verse onwards. I am pleased with the final piece however I would have preferred to have more time with my actors to film it all and also more time to edit it properly. I did attempt to use after effects however not for this as the footage I needed never managed to get filmed.

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